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Начало Струни за цигулка Thomastik Infeld Vision Томастик Вижън ми ( E ) единична струна за цигулка

Томастик Вижън ми ( E ) единична струна за цигулка

Цена: 10.00лв.
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Томастик Вижън единична струна за цигулка ми E

Multilayer Steel Wire tin plated


Ориентировъчни цени за доставка

До София на цена от 5.32лв. Извън София на цена от 5.32лв.

 3 бр. в наличност.

Продуктът може да бъде доставен на следващия работен ден

Добави в желани
- +

Catalog violin strings

The sound of Vision(tm) strings is focused, clear, open and brilliant.
Vision(tm) strings can be mixed with almost any synthetic core string.
Set: vi100 medium | Set No.: vi100
          kp lbs
vi01  e2  mi2  multi-layer steel wire, tin plated, removeable ball end  8,0  10,1 
vi02  a1  la1  II  synthetic core, aluminum wound  5,5  12,1 
vi03A  d1  re1  III  synthetic core, pure silver wound  4,5  9,9 
vi04  sol  IV  synthetic core, pure silver wound  4,6  10,1 


readjust your mind -- in the beginning there was a vision

Thomastik-Infeld, the innovative leader in orchestral string design and production for 85 years, are pleased to continue their legacy with the introduction of the Vision(tm) strings for violin.
These strings are specifically designed to fulfill the needs of advanced violinists, including those who excel in orchestreal or chamber group settings. They settle in quickly and can achieve a stable tuning within a very short time and are exceptionally easy to play.
Their durability is unsurpassed compared to other synthetic core strings.
Players will be pleased with the compatibility between Vision(tm) strings and other Thomastik-Infeld synthetic core strings such as Dominant(tm), Infeld(tm) Red and Blue.
Vision(tm) violin strings - made with your vision in mind.