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Начало Ноти камерна музика Сметана Трио за пиано, цигулка и виолончело g-Moll

Сметана Трио за пиано, цигулка и виолончело g-Moll

Цена: 57.00лв.
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Bärenreiter Verlag

Сметана Трио за пиано, цигулка и виолончело g-Moll



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  • In the context of his complete output, Bedrich Smetana’s chamber music has generally been felt to be of lesser importance. However, the modest number of works is deceptive; Smetana took a keen interest in the interpretation and study of chamber music throughout his life. His own compositions were without exception unusual works, which was already evident in the “Piano Trio in G minor” of 1855. He wrote this in memory of his daughter Bedriska who died before her 5th birthday. Smetana ended the composition only three months after her death.

    The musical text of the new edition is based on the “Study Edition of the Works of Bedrich Smetana”, Volume XV – Chamber Music Works.